Title: Article number two for testing |
by: Georgică Panfil |
DOI: saafsafa/29214902174/23412 |
Abstract: On Friday, 25.02.2022, in Brussels, under the auspices of European Security and Defence College, mr. Alvaro Renedo Zalba, PhD fellow from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) – Madrid and enlisted in our Doctoral School Programme, publicly defended his thesis entitled THE LISBON TREATY AND TRANSATLANTIC DIALOGUE: SIGNIFICANCE AND INEFFICIENCIES. The dissertation addressed the debatable cooperation between the United States and the European Union, the dynamics of institutional development and, in particular, the effect of the Lisbon Treaty on this uncertain relationship, concluding that the Treaty has had feeble results in contributing to the amelioration of US- EU cooperation. Making use of a very complex research methodology and using an objective approach, this first measurable result of the ESDC `s research focus makes an excellent contribution to EU and security studies. It is an exceptional and comprehensible tool to assess & understand, and this makes it capitally valuable for the Academic environment. |
Keywords: marios, ioannou, esdc, doctoral |
Category: Defence economics, financing, education, training and leadership in the CSDP context |
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