In order to be able to submit an article, one needs to create an account. Go to Login / Register tab and select Register button.
Fill in all details and select the account type (Register as) - Author. Only Author accounts can submit articles for publication.  We kindly recommend to use as username the email address. Click Submit. An automatic confirmation message will be sent to you.
Please wait for your account to be validated (this could take few days, depending on our workload). Once the account has been validated, a notification will be sent to you. Feel free to use your username / password combination (Go to Login / Register tab) and access your account.
Your profile details, as well as the password, can be modified at all times.
Go to Add new article section. If the Submission session is closed, you will find a message indicating that (while no submission will be possible – please see the dates on the website for next window).

Fill in all the fields (Title, Abstract, Keywords) and select a category for your article. If your article has co-authors, add them in the dedicated field, separated by coma.

  • Make certain that you have used the .docx template to draft the article and not other formats (we automatically reject the submissions not to respect our layout).
  • Please ensure that Title, Abstract and Keywords match the ones from the .docx document.
Upload your article (please rename it using syntax name_surname.docx) and click Update.
Wait for the reviewing process. Once this starts, the indicator for that article (in the section My articles) will change from Grey to Orange.
If the article is rejected, a red indicator will indicate that. A green indicator shows an accepted article.

Please wait for the updates from the reviewers. Email notifications will be sent to you. Those will be accessible by clicking each article. Follow the comments / suggestions and update the article (and modify also the .docx file). A final decision will follow at the end of the reviewing process.


If your article has been validated after the reviewing process, it will be scanned for plagiarism / similarity levels. Please be advised that we only accept articles with a coefficient under 25%. We encourage articles with high level of personal contribution and authors with capacity of interpretation of the contents. If your article is beyond that level, we will send you a notification to inform you about it and reject the article. This does not mean that we qualify the article as plagiarised (you are free to publish it in other journals), but we will not accept it for publication in PSD.

If your article is validated after the plagiarism scanning, it will be sent for proofing. We will sent it to you for validation  (sometimes during the proofing process some phrases could change and we need to ensure that you accept those changes). You will have 36 hours to send us your observations (if case be), otherwise we will consider it automatically accepted and proceed with the publication.
Once the journal is issued, you will have it in your inbox.